The Hound Services


Search Engine Optimization

You have a website and it can be an incredible sales tool/ sales vehicle for your company. You have amazing products and services and a market that needs or wants them and you are nowhere to be found on an internet search engine.


Search Engine Marketing/Pay Per Click

Digital Hound takes an approach of not reinventing the wheel if we dont have to. We monitor keywords that are relevant to your products and services. We track the most successful ads in these keyword and develop similar but unique content that is proven to work for customers. We track your success and constantly monitor what competitors are doing to stay on top of game. This helps insure your campaigns success and ROI.


Marketing & Posting

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Web Development & Hosting

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Market Planning

Branding & Print Development

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Join Digital Hound Marketing today and let us help you align your talents and messaging to create a solid product that delivers maximum returns. Don’t wait, take action now.



801 West 100 North,
Franklin, IN 46131